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Ph.D., Geography, University of Tennessee, 2014
M.S., Geospatial Science, Missouri State University, 2005
B.S., Biology (Ecology Concentration), Lake Superior State University, 2002
Research Interests
I am a broadly trained Physical Geographer with research interests in fluvial geomorphology, hydrology, and field applications of geospatial technologies. My research spans local, regional, and international (South America) locales and has occurred across a wide range of river system types, from coastal plain blackwater rivers, to the steep headwater streams of the Southern Appalachians, to the crystal clear, swift-flowing rivers of the Ozarks, to the Andean Amazon headwaters of Peru and Ecuador. I teach Physical Geography and Quantitative Methods courses across the undergraduate and graduate curriculum, and also lead study abroad courses to the tropical Andes and the Caribbean. If you would like to learn more about my research, please click the link to my personal website at the top of this page.
Courses Taught or Currently Teaching
- GHY 1010 - Global Environmental Systems
- GHY 1012 - Global Change of the Biosphere
- GHY 3110 - Ecoregions and Dynamic Landforms
- GHY 3140 - Andean Mountain Geography (Study Abroad)
- GHY 3530 - Water Resources in the Tropical Andes (Study Abroad)
- GHY/PLN 3800 - Introduction to Quantitative Methods
- GHY 4820/5820 - Geographical Hydrology
- GHY 5100 - Graduate Seminar in Physical Geography: Climate Change and Water in the Andes
- GHY 5530 - Special Topics: Jamaica - Environment and Culture (Study Abroad)
- GHY 5530 - Special Topics: Grant Writing in Geography
- GHY 5800 - Advanced Quantitative Methods
Praskievicz, S., Martin, D.J., Platt, J.R., Stephens, S. 2024. Spatial analysis of large wood storage in Coastal Plain rivers of the Southeast US. River Research and Applications. (Under Review)
Platt, J.R., Martin, D.J., Mayfield, M., Armstrong, W. 2023. Geomorphic Response to the Removal of the Ward’s Mill Dam on the Watauga River, North Carolina. Southeastern Geographer, 64(02). (PDF)
Owen, M.R., Pavlowsky, R.T., Martin, D.J. 2024. Spatial and temporal characteristics of channel disturbance zones in Big River, Southeast Missouri (1937-2018). Southeastern Geographer 64(1):30-53.
Pavlowksy, R.T., Hess, J., Martin, D.J., Dogwiler, T, Bendix. J 2023. Large wood loads in channels and on floodplains after a 500-yr flood using UAV imagery in Mark Twain National Forest, Ozark Highlands, Missouri. Geomorphology 431. DOI:10.1016/j.geomorph.2023.108672
Hostens, D.S., Dowgwiler, T., Hess, J.W., Pavlowsky, R.T., Bendix, J. Martin, D.J. 2022. Assessing the role of sUAS mission design in the accuracy of digital surface models derived from structure-from-motion photogrammetry. In: sUAS Applications in Geography. Konsoer, K, Leitner, M., Lewis, Q. (Eds.). Springer Publishing.
Martin, D.J., Pavlowsky, R.T., Bendix, J., Dogwiler, T., Hess, J. 2021. Impacts of an extreme flood on large wood recruitment and transport processes. Physical Geography.
McDade, B., Martin, D.J., van de Gevel, S.L., and Mitchell, J. 2020. Impacts of the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (Adelges tsugae) on headwater stream large woody debris loads in the Southern Appalachian Mountains. Southeastern Geographer, 60(1):65-86. DOI:
Martin, D.J., Ely, C.P., and Wemple, B.C. 2019. Bank erosion in an Andean páramo river system: Implications for hydro-development and carbon dynamics in the neotropical Andes. Journal of Mountain Science, 16(2). DOI:
Rose, L. D., Akob, D.M., Tuberty, S.R., Corsi, S.R., DeCicco, L.A., Colby, J.D., and Martin, D.J. 2019. Use of high through-put screening results to prioritize chemicals for potential adverse biological effects within a West Virginia watershed. Science of the Total Environment, 677(10):362-372. DOI:
Ely, C.P. and Martin, D.J. 2018. Investigating the geomorphic characteristics of an Amazonian headwater stream draining a páramo ecosystem. Physical Geography. DOI:
Martin, D.J., Tran, L., Harden, C.P., and Pavlowsky, R.T. 2018. Identifying controls on in-channel wood deposition locations in a midwestern river system. Progress in Physical Geography, 42(2):139-161.
Pavlowsky, R.T., Lecce, S., Owen, M., and Martin, D.J. 2017. Legacy sediment, lead, and zinc storage in channel and floodplain deposits of the Big River, Old Lead Belt mining district, Missouri, USA. Geomorphology, 299:54-75.
Martin, D.J., Pavlowsky, R.T., and Harden, C.P. 2016. Reach-scale characterization of large woody debris in a low-gradient, Midwestern USA river system. Geomorphology, 262:91-100.
Keck, B.P., Marion, Z.H., Martin, D.J., Kaufman, J.C., Harden, C.P., Schwartz, J.S., and Strange, R.J. 2014. Fish functional traits correlated with environmental traits in a temperate biodiversity hotspot. PLoS ONE 9(3):e93237.
Martin, D.J., and Pavlowsky, R.T. 2011. Spatial patterns of channel instability in an Ozark river, SW Missouri. Physical Geography, 32(5):445-468.
Lecce, S.A., Pavlowsky, R.T., Bassett, G.S., and Martin, D.J. 2011. Metal contamination from gold mining in the Cid District, North Carolina. Physical Geography, 32(5):469-495.
Pavlowsky, R.T., Lecce, S., Bassett, G. and Martin, D.J. 2010. Legacy Hg-Cu contamination of active stream sediments in the Gold Hill mining district, North Carolina. Southeastern Geographer, 50(4):503522.

Title: Graduate Program Director & Associate Professor, River System Dynamics; Geomorphology; Hydrology
Department: Geography and Planning
Email address: Email me
Phone: (828) 262-8905
Office address
Rankin Science West 375Attachments
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